Perl 6 Examples

- Best of Rosettacode
- The best of the examples
- 99 Problems
- Based on lisp 99 problems
- Cookbook
- Cookbook examples
- Project Euler
- Answers for Project Euler
- Games
- Games written in Perl 6
- Interpreters
- Language or DSL interpreters
- Module Management
- Examples of organising modules
- Parsers
- Example grammars
- Perlmonks
- Answers to questions
- Project Rosalind
- Bioinformatics-related programming problems
- Shootout
- Implementations for the Computer Language Benchmark Game
- Perl6 Tutorial Examples
- Initial work in collecting Perl 6 tutorial examples
- Winter Scripting Games
- Answers for the Winter Scripting Games
- Other examples
- Other examples which aren't yet categorized
The Perl 6 homepage offers a comprehensive list of Perl 6 documentation, including tutorials, HowTos and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).